Tin B Ufmchâu Thông Phan

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FRMFixed-Rate Mortgage
FRMFinancial Risk Manager (GARP)
FRMFall River Mills (California)
FRMFinal Rulemaking
FRMFlame-Retardant Material
FRMFree Range of Motion (hockey equipment)
FRMFatigue Risk Management (aviation safety)
FRMForest Reproductive Material (various organizations)
FRMFiber-Reinforced Metal
FRMFinancial Resource Mobilization (World Bank)
FRMFertilizer Raw Material
FRMFault Reporting Manual (aviation)
FRMFinancial Resource Management
FRMField-Replaceable Modules
FRMFaraday Rotator Mirror (photonics)
FRMFrame Maker
FRMFull Rate Mode
FRMFlat Real Mode
FRMFrame Rate Modulation
FRMFrame Relay Module
FRMFire-Rescue Med (trade show)
FRMFrame Relay Mode
FRMFondation pour la Recherche Médicale
FRMFairmont, MN, USA - Fairmont Municipal (Airport Code)
FRMFièvre Récurrente Mondiale (French: World Recurrent Fever)
FRMFunctional Reference Model
FRMFloor-Ready Merchandise (retail industry)
FRMFlandre Radio Modélisme (French model airplane club)
FRMFunded Requirements Management
FRMFederal Reference Methods
FRMFinancial Risk Management Ltd.
FRMFederated Repository Management
FRMFunctional Requirements Model
FRMFast Rope Master
FRMFlexible Radio Module
FRMFull-Rank Matrix
FRMFixed Range Marker (marine navigation aid)
FRMField Review Meeting
FRMFiber Receiver Module
  1. Translate Accountability. See authoritative translations of Accountability in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
  2. Sunday, January 23, 1977 anuary 23, 1977 P-17 FARMS Pfn KAt.K 7M1 1 I.ANn 1H MUD1LL OUIIUd ouv mUDUUEi nuincio w i v a a a I I SMALL HORSE FARM Good country farmett with 5 acres In North Bucks County.
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