(redirected from Full-Rank Matrix)
Acronym | Definition |
FRM | From |
FRM | Form |
FRM | Fixed-Rate Mortgage |
FRM | Financial Risk Manager (GARP) |
FRM | Fall River Mills (California) |
FRM | Final Rulemaking |
FRM | Flame-Retardant Material |
FRM | Free Range of Motion (hockey equipment) |
FRM | Fatigue Risk Management (aviation safety) |
FRM | Forest Reproductive Material (various organizations) |
FRM | Fiber-Reinforced Metal |
FRM | Financial Resource Mobilization (World Bank) |
FRM | Fertilizer Raw Material |
FRM | Fault Reporting Manual (aviation) |
FRM | Financial Resource Management |
FRM | Field-Replaceable Modules |
FRM | Faraday Rotator Mirror (photonics) |
FRM | Frame Maker |
FRM | Full Rate Mode |
FRM | Flat Real Mode |
FRM | Frame Rate Modulation |
FRM | Frame Relay Module |
FRM | Fire-Rescue Med (trade show) |
FRM | Frame Relay Mode |
FRM | Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale |
FRM | Fairmont, MN, USA - Fairmont Municipal (Airport Code) |
FRM | Fièvre Récurrente Mondiale (French: World Recurrent Fever) |
FRM | Functional Reference Model |
FRM | Floor-Ready Merchandise (retail industry) |
FRM | Flandre Radio Modélisme (French model airplane club) |
FRM | Funded Requirements Management |
FRM | Federal Reference Methods |
FRM | Financial Risk Management Ltd. |
FRM | Federated Repository Management |
FRM | Functional Requirements Model |
FRM | Fast Rope Master |
FRM | Flexible Radio Module |
FRM | Full-Rank Matrix |
FRM | Fixed Range Marker (marine navigation aid) |
FRM | Field Review Meeting |
FRM | Fiber Receiver Module |
- Translate Accountability. See authoritative translations of Accountability in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
- Sunday, January 23, 1977 anuary 23, 1977 P-17 FARMS Pfn KAt.K 7M1 1 I.ANn 1H MUD1LL OUIIUd ouv mUDUUEi nuincio w i v a a a I I SMALL HORSE FARM Good country farmett with 5 acres In North Bucks County.
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